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NewsNew to Snowboarding? 5 Tips for beginners…


Are you new to snowboarding? Have you taken a few lessons or tried it anyway a couple of times and love it but have no clue what to do next to take it to the next level? Or even better to master it? Here are 5 small pieces of advice to get you started…

#1 Do more snowboarding lessons

If you can afford it, more lessons will give you the extra confidence/boost you need to “change piste”. Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment. Not all teaching styles are suitable for us, therefore you have to find the right teacher for you.

New Snowboarding

#2 Prefer days/slopes when/where not too many people are around

It’s important that you feel safe during your practice so that you don’t get frustrated and have plenty of time and peace of mind to make your mistakes and push yourself further. You don’t need extra pressure from too crowded slopes where you should always look back for traffic.

#3 Find other people to ride with, including but not limited to friends

Not only they will give you tips but you will also have an extra motive to ride more often. Don’t forget that boarding is inextricably linked to FUN!! Friends will also push you a little bit and peer pressure to do better helps. But it’s very important to know your limits, as it can be quite dangerous. You don’t want to hurt yourself or others around you by doing something that is beyond your ability level or skill level. Take it slow, go as far as you feel comfortable with and learn more about the sport as time goes on

Snowboarding lesson

#4 Take a look at online snowboarding tutorials and/or YouTube videos

#5 Get some impact shorts and a batch of painkillers

It always helps to watch others do something and what more practical and readily available from online tutorials and videos? thanks God we live in the 21st century! For ex. you can try this one… Beginner – Snowboard Addiction. Snowboarding, like all other sports, is more about feeling it yourself, but watching some videos may “unlock your head” about how to…so you try it next time you are on the slopes.  

It’s important that you won’t let yourself frustrate from pain and/or stupid injuries, which you CANNOT AVOID anyway. Be safe to appreciate the fun and master what you love! Most probably you will not want to invest in gear you are not sure whether it will return your money. Prepare yourself as good as possible so that pain will not deter you from trying it again.

Snowboarding is a great sport to start with if you are looking for something to do in winter. It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s social! But it also requires a lot of skill and patience. Start slow, believe in yourself and you will be amazed of what you have missed all these years!

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